Bag of bones

This weekend I headed back to the Boneyard. It was cold and windy, and it felt like a driftwood sort of day.

I got a late start on my hike Saturday, so I stayed at the beach for sunset. It seems that the colder it is, the more brilliant the skies.

Aside from the relics scattered along the beach, I like this venue because it’s part of the nearby Eglin Air Force Base reservation. A permit is required to even be there. That cuts down on the number of people I may encounter. I think in all the time I’ve been living in the area, I’ve only seen one other person there. I was feeling anti-social and left without getting out of my car. I’m friendly like that…

It’s not that I’m truly anti-social, but it seems that if you’re at the beach taking photos with anything other than a tiny point-n-shoot, or smartphone, then you’re a magnet for sketchy people… chambray and khaki clad families, blue-haired snowbirds seeking a pet photographer, or nosy people who apparently have never seen a tripod and want to touch and breath all over my stuff. So, yeah… I prefer solitude, or at least personal space.

I’m trying something new, so please let me know how you like this feature… for this week’s photo hike I’m presenting the shots in a gallery. You can click on any image to see a larger photo, or the series as a slideshow.

(Photos shot with a Nikon D60, using an 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 20mm f/2.8 wide-angle, 50mm f/1.8 prime lens, Nikon CoolPix S205 and/or iPhone4)

For more photos, please visit my Flickr photostream.

Unknown Mami
Submitted to Unknown Mami’s Sundays in My City

17 thoughts on “Bag of bones

  1. I like the gallery, it looks great. I also like your usual set-up too, so I say do whichever strikes your fancy. Chambray and khakis are not my thing.


  2. Tara – Gorgeous as always. I’ve been so missing the ocean lately that all of your shots trigger my craving for a deep breath of salt air. Love the pelican shot, so hard to capture birds in motion where you want them.


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