All we need is love

“You’d do it if you loved me.”

Those seven words changed her life forever. Once she gave in, he wouldn’t answer her calls or talk to her at school. She was a nobody again. Then the nausea started, and her flow stopped, and she knew. He called her names and refused to believe her.

Her friends abandoned her, her family was ashamed of her, but she welcomed the life growing inside her. She practiced singing lullabies and reciting nursery rhymes, waiting to love this tiny person with her whole heart.

“We’ll do it all, everything, on our own,” she promised.

The 100 Word Challenge, a writing prompt created by Velvet Verbosity, takes a single theme to tell a story in only 100 words ~ no more, no less. This week’s theme is inspired by Kurt Vonnegut’s 8th Tip on How to Write a Great Story, ‘Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water..’

100 Word Song, is a writing challenge from Lance based on a weekly music prompt. The Challenge is to compose a story in exactly 100 words. This week’s challenge is inspired by “Chasing Cars,” by Snow Patrol.

Long before a little blue line on a pee stick told me I was pregnant, I knew. I knew the exact moment my husband and I conceived both of our children. I ‘felt’ it – long before my OB confirmed conception, long before I heard their swishing heartbeats, and long before they were big enough for me to feel them kick. And I knew… this was what I wanted, was meant, to be… a mother, their mother.

14 thoughts on “All we need is love

  1. I chose single motherhood at a later time in my life. But many of the emotions are the same.
    I like her strength. The can do/will do.


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