Town and country

I live in a small town that hugs the leeward shore of Choctawhatchee Bay. Between my nice community and the vast Gulf of Mexico is a popular tourist destination. A two-lane, 3.6 mile bridge literally divides town from country.

Where towering condos obscure most of the coastline from the highway running through the city, the tallest building in my town is a three-story apartment complex. The only thing it blocks out is the view of a neighboring golf course on the left and a medical clinic to the right.

In town, there are scarce few acres that have not be developed into resort accommodations or tourist industry businesses, but wide swatches of beach have been left open to the public. In the country, large tracts of land are kept in their natural, pristine conditions, to be enjoyed by everyone.

I try to find the best of both worlds.

(Photos shot with a Nikon D60, using an 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 20mm f/2.8 wide-angle, 50mm f/1.8 prime lens, Nikon CoolPix S205 and/or iPhone4)

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