Bubble of sunshine

I am apparently a beach magnet.

This week I attempted to go to the beach… alone… for a little one on one time with the surf and sun. I went to my favorite beach, early… only 15 minutes after the gates opened. (My favorite place is at a state park, surprise there, and it opens at 8 a.m.)

I sat my blanket and bags down a good 50 yards from the nearest people. Seems there were some other sun seekers who arrived before I did. The rest of the beach was deserted except for an occasional runner.

It was a beautiful day. A few fluffy clouds, practically no seagulls (flying vermin!), a light breeze… glorious.

That was until a family of eight in chambray shirts and khakis set up a photo studio beside me. I actually worried that I’d somehow be collateral damage in their portrait they were so close to me. Then there was the group of Yayas ~ about five loud women all dressed in their Sunday beach best ~ there for the photo opps, swapping point and shoot cameras… again within feet of me.

People! Do you not see the miles of empty beach? You have to invade my tiny bubble of sunshine? I gave up on trying to enjoy my solitude when four other groups began setting up their paraphernalia in a tight semi-circle around me. Shenanigans! It is a conspiracy I tell you!

(Photos shot with a Nikon D60, using an 18-55mm, 55-200mm, 20mm f/2.8 wide-angle, 50mm f/1.8 prime lens and/or a Nikon CoolPix S205)

For more photos, please visit my Flickr photostream.

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26 thoughts on “Bubble of sunshine

  1. I have had similar experiences while trying to enjoy a little time at the lake. All sense of personal space goes out the window.

    You got some great shots in spite of the intruders. I especially love the fourth photo, the way the water sparkles in the background.


  2. You still successfully got some AMAZING photos. I wonder what happened to Joe and Nadine. 🙂 The shot of the pile of sand with the surf behind? My favorite.

    I wonder if people feel the need to be close to others, oblivious to the fact that others want to be alone. This actually happens to me all the time when I go to see my husband play. I will be the ONLY person at the bar, and a loud pair of tourists will set up shot RIGHT beside me. Evading my personal space. One night it happened so many times (and I moved every time) that I ended up moving the entire length of the bar before the night was over… and there was never more than maybe 10 people there at a time. I DON’T UNDERSTAND!!


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